Blog post

My name is Tobin Dreisbach and I am from Cincinnati Ohio, specifically the Indian Hill/Kenwood area. I am taking this class because my favorite teacher I have had in college so far, Alex Burkhart, recommended it to me. I hope to learn more about entrepreneurship in a digital world and how you can capitalize on new technology. I believe that as technology continues to evolve, the oppertunities to be entrepreneurial in a digital world will continue to grow exponentially.

I have always wanted to start a business since I was a child. Entrepreneurship runs in my family, my father Brantley Dreisbach built a successful business, as well as my grandfather Larry Sheakley who has built countless successful businesses. I have been surrounded by entrepreneurs my entire life and have always been fascinated by the idea of building something myself. I am always coming up with random entrepreneurial ideas but never have followed through with anything, I'm just kind of waiting to find that great idea. 

I would 100% like to start a business one day. I have always been entrepreneurial since I was a young kid and it runs in my family as I stated before. I constantly have different ideas, but I am waiting for the one that I really feel confident putting my entire heart and soul into. I want to start a business to build something myself instead of for somebody else. I want to work for myself, even if that means more hours, more stress, sometimes not being able to pay myself, etc. The satisfaction behind building something yourself and watching it grow to be successful is worth the pain I know I will go through being an entrepreneur.